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10 Christian Short Stories That Will Lift Your Heart

In many ways, the Bible is the greatest epic novel ever written, its stories weaving together to deliver God’s word and the tale of humanity’s salvation through Jesus.

But, sometimes … it can be hard to relate to events that happened soooo long ago. Right?

Luckily, many authors with a Christian worldview have recognized that fact over the centuries, and they’ve left us with hundreds (thousands!) of fictional stories that convey Biblical messages and lessons in their narratives.

Many of those tales have been manifested as short stories, and many of those are now available to us on the web. Ah, technology!

In that spirit, then, here are five websites that offer up Christian short stories to help you engage your faith even more fully, along with one select story from each site that I’m sure you’ll love as much as I do.

Christian Perspective

Christian Perspective is a really interesting website that focuses on, as they put it, “Math from a Biblical Worldview.”

That’s certainly not a tagline you hear every day!

But they do offer up a lot of math-related resources, and the content all exudes a Biblical worldview.

Even though I am a mathematician by training, though, probably my favorite part of the Christian Perspective site is the “Short Stories” section.

Subtitled, “Christian Short Stories with a Message,” these tales deliver on that promise in a big way.

In general, the stories flow well and are easy to read and “get into,” but they still manage to convey ideas from scripture. In fact, each one ends with a verse that relates to the story itself.

Good stuff, indeed!

A story you’ll love: “Nothing Can Separate is a fairly simple website that offers up inspirational materials in a variety of modes … ecards, quotations, humor … and, of course, short stories!

The stories run the gamut of human emotions, but there is always a Biblical tie.

And, let me warn you … some of these tales are raw when it comes to tearing at your soul.

I can almost guarantee you’ll be in tears if you read through them all.

A story you’ll love (but that will make you sad): “the son”

Variety Reading

First things first … this is not a sophisticated website, and it has a decidedly 1990s feel.

But I think that’s part of the charm of Variety Reading, which is actually a subdomain of a more updated site called Carl’s Guides.

Variety Reading, though, shows that you don’t have to be fancy to get the job done, or to share God’s word and Biblical lessons.

On the “Inspirational Christian Stories” page, Variety Reading presents almost 80 pieces, most of which would fall into the “flash fiction” category … and all of which will make you think (and maybe cry!).

All in all, Variety Reading is can’t-miss reading if you’re in the mood for a quick-hit Bible parable.

A story you’ll love: Call from God

Gateway to Jesus

Gateway to Jesus is yet another simple website that looks like *maybe* it hasn’t been updated in a while.

But like some of the sites above, this one offers readers a host of Biblical thoughts and lessons, couched in the context of fictional contemporary stories.

There are other sections to the site, too, like “Inspirational Thoughts for the Day” … “Inspirational Christian Music Videos” … “Our Daily Bible Story and Scriptures.”

If you’re looking for short, inspirational stories that flow like water, though, “Short Inspirational Stories” is the place for you.

Many of these stories have been told for years in all sorts of settings, and you’re likely to recognize at least a few.

But Gateway to Jesus gathers them all in one place and is yet further testament to the power of simplicity.

A story you’ll love:The Shadow of the Cross

Heavens Inspirations

Heavens Inspirations is an entire site devoted to literature, music, and other artistic representations of faith.

Another older site, Heavens Inspirations nonetheless offers timeless stories of how God’s glory and mercy works into our lives in ways we could never imagine.

The stories and poems on these pages will make you think and, hopefully, slow down a bit and take stock of what’s really important in your world

A story (poem!) you’ll love: “Slow Dance

What do you think … did you love these websites and stories as much as I do?

Do any of them make the cut of becoming one of your favorite internet stops?

What other sites do you love for reading Christian short stories?

Let me know in the comments!

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