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Short Prayers of Thanks: 10 Snippets of Gratitude

We all know how important it is to talk with God every day, and to express our gratitude for the blessing in our lives.

But sometimes … well, words are hard to come by, or time slips away.

The good news here is that you don’t need the perfect words or all the time in the word to thank our Lord for all the fruits of his glory.

short prayers of thanks

To illustrate the point, these ten short prayers of thanks can get you thinking of simple ways to show your appreciation. All you need is a seed and your sincere gratitude.

Heavenly Father

Thank you for the many blessings you have brought into our lives and for continuing to light our paths each day. May we continue to seek your strength and wisdom in all matters even when our days are darker than today, and even when our wills are weak. May we praise you for the rest of our days. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Dear Lord

We thank you, Father, for the abundance you shower upon us each day, and we acknowledge that we are worthy of your kindness by your grace alone, not by any deed of our own. Our eternal salvation is a blessing that we cannot comprehend while here on this earth, but we exalt your sacrifice and the glory of your magnanimous gift through your son, our Lord Jesus Christ. In your powerful name, Amen.

Dear God

Thank you, Lord, for giving us this time together, and for the opportunity to rejoice in your glory as we reflect on the blessings in our lives. We ask, Father, that you continue to fill our hearts with gratitude as we partake of this meal and enjoy each other’s company. Go with us into the rest of our day and guide us with the wisdom to do your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Faithful Father …

I kneel before you in thanksgiving for the splendors of this world and, particularly, for the many blessings you have brought into my life. I accept and acknowledge all that is bright and good fills my heart by the grace of your mercy, and I commit my faith to our Lord Jesus. By your mercy, Amen.

Mighty God …

The glory of your creations never ceases to fill my heart with wonder, and I thank you for the bounty you have heaped into my life. By your profound guidance alone am I blessed to make sound choices, and I pray that you continue to lead me in the direction of your will. I vow my undying faith and deepest gratitude to you and your son, my Lord Jesus. In your powerful name, Amen.

O Lord my God …

I reach out to you this morning with gratitude for the bountiful blessings with which you have filled my life, and I ask that you continue to guide me toward understanding and a humble appreciation for the power and grace you bestow upon the world. Thank you, Father, for the sacrifice of your son Jesus, and I pray that I have clarity and strength to carry out your will on this beautiful day. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Lord my Rock …

Thank you for standing beside me through my life, and for holding me tight in my darkest hours. I know that your true love and abiding strength will carry me through the storms ahead, just as they have guided me through the tribulations of the past. I pledge my faith and love to you forever, o Lord, and lift you up in gratitude for your glory and mercy. Through your grace, Amen.

Lord Jesus …

Thank you for the blessings of this day, both big and small. Thank you for walking with me through all of life’s moments, beautiful and sad, monumental and trivial. And thank you most of all for your ultimate sacrifice that gives me the chance, through your grace, to find eternal salvation. Today I uplift your name and express my sincere gratitude. In your Holy name, Amen.

Loving Father …

Thank you for standing beside me as I walk through life, for lifting me up when I need you most. Thank you for the gift of each day, and the opportunity to build these earthly ties to family and friends as I follow your lead toward eternity. And, most of all, thank you for the sacrifice of your only son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to afford me the chance to know you and grab onto the salvation only you can offer. Through your grace, Amen.

Heavenly Father …

We thank you today for bringing us together to share in the blessings of family and friends. We rejoice in the knowledge that each of us has the opportunity to accept you into our hearts and so live with you forever in your Heavenly home when our time here is finished. We will strive to make the most of the day and to live with the wisdom you have instilled in us. With gratitude for your gifts, Amen

Here are some other short prayers that you might find helpful.

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