Those early days of your new faith in Jesus Christ as our lord and savior can be heady times.
All of the sudden, you are filled with hope where none existed before.
Your everyday struggles seem almost trivial, and you trip through your days with a lightness you haven’t known since childhood.
And, most likely, you have an insatiable thirst to learn more about the Bible.

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All of this is super exciting, but it can also be confusing — where do you go for information, and how do you get started?
Fortunately for us, living as we do in the electronic age, we can find the guidance we need in the form of Bible study lessons with just a few clicks of the mouse. And, thanks to resources like the ones below, we can even download our favorite guides for offline use.
Without further delay, then, here are 11 wonderful websites where you will find free Bible study lessons in downloadable PDFs.
Happy studying, and God bless!
Bible Studies from Pator Ken L. Birks
Ken Birks is an ordained pastor from the Sacramento, CA, area who has dedicated much of his adult life to teaching the Word of God. Sowing the Seeds of Faith is his teaching ministry, and he maintains a comprehensive website featuring resources of all sorts for those looking to learn more about the Bible or to teach others about Christ.
Pastor Birks’ Bible Study page offers up more than 30 different lessons in PDF and Word formats, spanning topics from Baptism to Daniel’s 70-day prophecy.
A resource that’s definitely more than worthy of your time and consideration.
Check out the lessons here.
Bible Study Lessons
Bible Study Lessons is an entire website devoted to free Bible resources of all types: courses, workbooks, commentaries, eBooks, and others.
All — or at least most — of the lessons here are available in PDF format, and the site presents a structured, logical plan for you to follow.
For instance, if you load the home page and scroll down to the “Menu of Courses” section, you’ll see the first course titled, “Course #1: The Gospel of Mark.” Click that link, and you’ll find ten lessons, each in HTML and PDF format, and each with a corresponding quiz.
You could spend days or weeks on this site and not run out of Bible learning material!
Check out the lessons here.
Berean Bible Society – 170 Bible Lessons
The Berean Bible Society was founded in Preakness, NJ, in 1940 with a mission to help believers better understand the word of God. Their teachings are based on a steadfast belief in the doctrine of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone.
Though they have moved their headquarters several times and are currently based in Germantown, WI, Berean has never wavered from its mission.
One Hundred and Seventy Bible Lessons or Sermon Outlines is a massive 227-page PDF document featuring, as the title indicates, close to 200 lessons to follow.
Joy of Living Bible Studies – Sample Studies
Joy of Living Bible Studies is another website devoted to teaching the Bible, with intended audiences spanning all age groups and eight languages. They offer copious amounts of paid material but also provide generous sample readings for free.
On their Sample Lessons page, for example, you will find over 20 lessons for adult learners, a large helping of youth lessons, and samplings from other languages, including German, Japanese, Nepali, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili.
Check out the lessons here.
Attitudes of the Heart from Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Baptist is a church that focuses on traditional worship in building a diverse congregation in a family-friendly environment. In particular, they put a deliberate emphasis on the actual Word of God and the attitudes they believe that the Holy Spirit wants all Christians to develop and live.
Attitudes of the Heart is a series of 14 free Bible studies that teach about these attitudes with lessons like Faith, Obedience, Love, Joy, Unity, and Humility.
There is plenty here to learn, think about, and pray about, and these lessons will keep you engaged for weeks (at least).
Check out the PDFs here.
Topical Bible Studies from the Church of Christ in Zion, Illinois
The Church of Christ in Zion, Illinois, is a nondenominational congregation of Christian worshipers who don’t subscribe to any religious doctrine except the Word of God and Jesus as our savior. The Church of Christ holds as its mission to present the stories of Bible in context with the history and culture of the times in which they happened and to provide believers an avenue for communion with other believers.
Although the Zion branch of the Church of Christ is a physical church with regular services, they also maintain a strong web presence with tons of free resources available to anyone with an internet connection.
Zion’s Bible Class Books page offers nearly 40 individual lessons across both Testaments of the Bible as well as extra materials dealing with topics like the history of Christianity and the Church of God, the Godly man, and the principles of teaching God’s Word to others.
There is enough information here to get you started on just about any Bible topic that interests you, and each lesson is comprehensive and well-written.
Check out the Bible studies here.
PDF Bible Study Outlines from Send the Light Ministries
Send the Light Ministries is a fundamental Christian church based in the Philippines who believe strongly in the inerrancy and infallibility of the word of God as presented in the Holy Bible. They are dedicated to spreading that word to Filipinos all around the globe. Part of that effort involves maintaining a robust and deep-content website filled with resources to help new believers and Bible teachers — of all sorts — alike.
Of particular interest to us today as we seek portable resources for learning the Bible are the ten lessons offered on the PDF Bible Study Outlines page. Topics range from the Pearl to Animals to Bible paradoxes and are sure to engender new avenues of Christian thought as you continue down your Bible learning pathway.
Check out the Bible study outlines here.
“Study Your Bible” from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) was founded in 1936 in response to the changes wrought in mainstream USA Presbyterian Churches through what OPC dubs “theological liberalism” — the departure from historical Christian doctrines such as the virgin birth and the authority of scripture.
Of course, several years of work generally precede the full maturity of any movement, and that was the case with the OPC. Today, the church brings some of that history to life by offering a PDF version of “Study Your Bible,” a 109-page booklet written in 1934 by Edward J. Young and subtitled, “A Self Study Course for Bible Believing Christians.”
If you’re interested in a straightforward approach to Bible study in the traditions that shaped our grandparents’ and great (great?) grandparents’ understanding of the word of God, this guide is hard to beat.
Check out “Study Your Bible” here.
100 Bible Lessons by Alban Douglas
The Ministerial Care and Study System (MCSS Online) was established to harness the power of the internet in spreading the word of God around the world. Like Send the Light Ministries, the Philippines is a primary focus area for MCSS Online, but their website is accessible to people just about anywhere.
There are copious resources on the site and it’s well worth your effort to explore a bit, but one document in particular provides a tremendous amount of information and study material under a single cover — “100 Bible Lessons by Alban Douglas.”
Here you’ll find studies that begin with a discussion of the existence of God and continue all the way through to issues of modern morality.
Check out this huge guide here.
PDF Bible Classes from Kingdom Living
Kingdom Living is a comprehensive blog run by Matt Dabbs, who tabs the site simply, “Reflections on life as a disciple of Jesus Christ.” That ethos shines through in everything that Matt writes, which often takes the form of Bible study tips that he publishes on a regular basis.
Nowhere is Matt’s passion for spreading the Word more evident than in a post titled, “60,000 PDF Bible Class & Small Group Downloads,” where he details the (you guessed it) nearly 60,000 PDF documents that visitors had downloaded as of October 2, 2012. Yes, more than five years ago! The mind boggles at what that number might be now.
And it’s no wonder, considering that Matt provides access to more than 900 lessons encompassing north of 3000 total pages of learning material. What a great resource for all of us trying to learn more about the Gospel, whether we’re new believers or not!
Check out the entire suite of downloads here.
Beginning with Christ from Topical Bible Study Lessons
There is nothing fancy about the Topical Bible Study Lessons website, but it’s hard to beat the sheer volume of free materials available to help you in your Bible studies, particularly if you work within a small group. With page after page of lessons targeted to young people, college students, and adults, this site can guide just about anyone on their path toward a better understanding of God’s word.
While much of the material is presented in Word documents, you can convert those to PDFs once downloaded if you wish. The site does offer some pre-formatted PDFs, too, if that is your preferred delivery method. A great example is the 58-page “Beginning With Christ” suite of lessons that leads you through some of the most common questions that arise in being a Christian today.
Check out all of the Topical Bible Study Lessons here.
15 Essential Biblical Texts |